Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Nice - Turini

Nice - Turini

Leaving Nice - turn right at the 2nd intersection, dodge a bit of traffic, turn left and follow the road.
Surprising it takes as with no further turns exactly where we want to go and we proceed to climb slowly out of the city into the Gorge de Peille which we follow as it narrows and climbs at just 2-3 degrees to L’Escarene - for our first lunch (morning tea stop)

Turn right across the river and climb to Col de Braus (943m)  Then we find that that the route over the Col de l'Ablé is closed due to re-surfacing. Hmmm - what now? We decide to descend to Sospel and have lunch again.

By the time we leave it is 1.00 and cooking. The Garmin shows 45 degrees outside sitting in the sun. We we move it is 36 degrees - but that is hot. Lucky there is breeze which helps. Also riding on the wrong side of the road helps - to get into the shade.

But it is 24kms uphill and 1260m. and hot hot.
In Moulinet I take advantage of the fountain again and strip the top to dip it the water and take advantage of the cool evaporation to lower the body heat.

We all discovered that the flies in France are really fast !!! but maybe not, perhaps it was it that we were riding really slow. 10kms an hour uphill on grades of 7, 8 and 9 % - with the occasional 13%.

Distance  70.93 km

Time: 4:10:40
Avg Speed: 17.0 km/h
Elevation Gain: 2,167 m
Calories: 2,901 C
Avg Temperature: 29.1 °C


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