Saturday, September 17, 2016

Friday 16 Sept: Day 8 Briancon to Barcelonnette via Col d'Izoard and Col de Vars.

Friday 16 Sept: Day 8

Briancon to Barcelonnette via Col d'Izoard and Col de Vars.

This morning we said goodbye to our hosts Jacques and his lovely family who took excellent care of us for three nights and dropped down from their home that is in a valley up behind Briancon and started our journey towards Barcelonnette.

It had rained overnight and the prognosis was for a wet and cold day on the bike. As we started up the climb out of Briancon towards the Col d'Izoard light rain began to fall and as we made our way up the climb it became steadier. Having started out at 7 degrees it got progressively colder as we made our way up the mountain.  Chris & Brandi went on ahead while Geoff stayed with me through the length of the climb which was close to 20km with 1150 meters of climbing.

1 km from the top there is a refuge (hotel/restaurant) which is where Geoff and I found Chris, Brandi, and Agnes our driver sheltering from the cold and wet.  By now the temperature had dropped to just 2 degrees and hot drinks and food were well received.  Once everyone had changed some gear and put on extra layers it was back outside for the final km to the top and then the descent.

Geoff & Brandi took off down the mountain while Chris and I stopped to take in the view, albeit hampered somewhat by the low cloud and rain.  The view down the mountain is spectacular and in some ways it was enhanced by the wet and low light level. I checked the Garmin (my best friend) and the temp had dropped to 0.2 degrees.

It was a cautious descent as we were wary of how steep it was a
nd how wet the road was. 5 or so km's down it got easier and Chris and I were able to enjoy the ride and let the bike run a bit more.  All in all its a 30 km descent and as we hit the bottom the weather started to clear. We enjoyed the ride along the river gorge through tunnels and small towns to Guillestrie where we stopped to have lunch and warm up in the early afternoon sun.

After a lunch of pizza we were back on the bikes and straight on to the start of the Col de Vars. This is another 20 km ascent with 1100m of climbing.  Geoff and Brandi went ahead at their own pace while Chris rode with me to keep me company from the bottom to the top. The ride passes through a number of small towns and some serious ski resorts.  Once at the top we regrouped for the descent which was a joy to ride with the dry road and lovely open country. 

When we hit the valley floor we had a fast team time trial down the valley to our destination of Barcelonnette, a quaint small town with narrow streets and a lot of character.

As is custom, dinner included a review of the day and the chance to nominate who should ride with Mon Amie Le Marmot on their bike the next day. The worthy recipient was Brandi who is actively hunting the KOM jersey on this trip. Her dedication to eating beetroot at every opportunity has us all believing this is the superfood of champions.

Another great day on the bike with just over 112 km's covered and 2400m of climbing. According to friend Garmin I burned 2700 calories for the day and my heart rate spent the day in Zone 3, nudging into zone 4 for just 3% of the time. While always last up the hill each day seems easier and everyday is enjoyable. 

John Green

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